We can provide help and guidance. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, lacking in direction, or that you are juggling so many balls one is bound to drop!

Work with us…

  • Free Introductory Call

    Lets chat about your challenges…

  • 1:1 Coaching / Power hour

    £100 Introductory offer

  • Group Coaching/ Group Strategy Session

    Lets get the teams engaged..

  • 5 to Drive Business Strategy & Yearly Plan

  • How to Launch a Successful Brand

  • Social Media Audit & Recommendations


  • "The Branding Brilliance Webinar from Threads Creatives was a fantastic chance to stop, take a step back and reevaluate my brand with fresh eyes. It is all too easy when dealing with the day to day to lose sight of both the brand fundamentals and the customer focus that is at the heart of every brand. Michelle offered excellent talking points to generate novel thinking and Sam offered impressive insight into opportunities to enrich content and engagement within social media. The curated guest list meant participants were able to spark off each other and share experiences. I look forward to leaning into their expertise in greater depth"

    Mel Brown Consulting Product Director

  • "Michelle and the guest speakers made it really inclusive. I left with great tools to implement in my own time. It didn’t feel too formal and the content was great! I loved the fact that it was conversational. It felt really interactive, and I felt that I was able to learn a lot in such a short amount of time. Also the follow up homework meant that I was accountable"

    Clare, Owner Indigo and Otis

  • "I really enjoyed attending the session today on ‘How to beat imposter Syndrome’ because it was a genuine conversation with people who have experienced and overcome it. I liked the real examples from your own lives and how you’ve overcome it"

    Caroline, HR Director

  • "I felt like I was listening to a group of successful women talk about something which many people feel they cant say out loud. There was evidence, practical examples, and steps on how to overcome things. It didn’t feel like a lecture but more of a discussion. There is a clear opportunity here to stage this out, with this session being the intro and follow-ups being set to track how you overcome"

    Marie, Director of Business Development

  • "How to beat Imposter Syndrome workshop was really enjoyable, it had a great community aspect of connecting with other women with a WFH business, confirming that we all go through similar thoughts/ juggles, normalising the core issues of the subject"

    Victoria, Senior Designer

  • "I thought it was a great session and really useful. Great that is was kept to an hour to fit in with peoples busy schedules, informative, factual and great to draw on yours and your colleagues personal experience"

    Sally, Owner Ivy T